Saturday 26 March 2011

Importance of Education

There are many definitions of education but in a simple way, education is an act or process of passing on or gaining general knowledge, building the ability to reason and judge, and generally training oneself or others mentally for matured life.
Many underdeveloped countries today do not pay attention to the importance of education in the society and this has made most countries not to be developed. I ask myself what advantage it will be if most of these underdeveloped countries have people in the government who are well educated and if they could give proper attention to the education sector of the country in order for the youth to develop and be able to reposition the country as they are been called leaders of tomorrow.
It is well known that education leads to success and I will be discussing the importance of education and why I think education is the backbone of anybody that needs to change the world in a positive way. Education can never be underestimated as education forms the heart of any society. The knowledge of making new discoveries, executing these discoveries for the success of any society can be achieved through education. The growth of many developed countries today can be attributed to the quality of education that is been imparted to the people. People who have quality education are able to improve the society by making reforms that will cause economic, social and political growth and development of the society.
Education opens your mind to better understand the world around you and how things works. Learning the different cultures and happenings taking place at different places around the world is possible through education. Our horizons are been broaden through education so that we can not only confined to what is happening in our countries but what is happening around the world.
Good jobs today are given to well educated people, this was stressed in the words of the United State President Barrack Obama, when he said "In an economy where knowledge is the most valuable commodity a person and a country have to offer, the best jobs will go to the best educated- whether they live in the United States or India or China". This statement shows the importance of education in getting the best jobs in the society and holding the best positions in companies.
Education helps you to have confidence in life. You are able to plan your life effectively when you have education as it will help to analyze problems of life and be able to come out with solutions to those problems that you might face. Educated people are able to make decisions that can change life in a positive ways as they will have acquire a lot of experience as they learn new things every day.
The importance of education is well evident in developed countries as it play a major role in personal and social development. Education has been used as a means to alleviate poverty, oppression, and war as the leaders are well equipped with knowledge to guide the country towards growth. In some countries, there has been problem of overpopulation which is one of the greatest worry of mankind. Overpopulation can be attributed to lack of proper and better education. Sex education needs to be taught to the youths who are adult of tomorrow.
Financial growth in one's life can be achieved through education. Instructions on how to manage money and invest the money wisely can be achieved when you have good education as you are well knowledgeable on the ways to start your own business and reducing the risk of getting bankrupt. Education has been used as a major tool to inform people of their rights and services that they can have access to. In order to be able to differentiate between doing the right and wrong, education plays a vital role as youth are been taught what ought to be done and what not to be done in the society and how they can be a responsible person in the society.

Improve On Your Childrens Math Skills With The Math Worksheet Generator

Do you have children that need that help with their mathematical sums? Or maybe you are
just seeking some extra mathematical way for extra practice for your kids? Whether you are
seeking help or extra work on maths for your children here lays an interactive maths program,helping you as a parent/teacher to provide exercises on multiplication, addition, subtraction,long division and even times tables for your children/students.
The Worksheet Generator is not like all other generators out there, this worksheet generator provides an interactivity with you and your children allowing them to complete these exercises on their own computer. Allowing your children to complete these exercises on a computer can be a lot easier to get your kids to carry out theses exercises, some children do not like the task of writing out on paper to create their answers so allowing them to carry out exercises on the computer can provide a more fun way of producing answers for them.
Completing these worksheets on a computer also has a big feature that can minimize time for you as the parent or teacher namely known as marking, how many parents have spend time having to work out given answers from your children? Working out answers can sometimes take a bit of time, taking time to work out answers can allow your children to lose their current attention making it harder for you as a parent to re-establish their attention. The markup system can tell you after each question if you have answered correctly or incorrectly instantly so no more time on working out correct answers or even working out inaccurate answers, keeping your kids attention focused for longer periods of time.
What if you do not wish for your children to carry these tasks out on the computer? Would you prefer to have your children writing out answers on paper, trying to help them to increase more skills in writing or just spending less time for them on the computer? Well the Worksheet Generator also provides you to print out worksheets for your children to carry out, this can be especially handy for a teachers point of view as you may have many students so access to many computers would be needed for individual work.
Other features of the worksheet generator include:
• Various difficulty settings allowing gradual learning to ease into bigger sums and
• Every generated worksheet produces no duplicate values in that active sheet
• Worksheets are produced with randomized numbers allowing for a wide number of
differentiating worksheets.
• Can prevent less paper being used, helping the environment

Mental Math Practice Worksheets Article Source:

Today, we all know the importance of learning and marveling at mathematics. And every time we visit our children's schools we see Chinese and Indian students marveling at SATs. And we all know why they succeed in Engineering and Medical fields. Answer is quite simple, they are good at Math. But why are they so good? How did they study Math that makes them so good at that one arduous subject?
When we go to teacher meetings we are told by the teachers, to marvel at Math one must practice, practice and practice. But what if the child loses interest in practicing math? We all have had our share of experiencing the monotonous boring task of memorizing times tables. And after so many years, the same is repeated by the teachers everywhere, except, Asia. What do these Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc.) do to make their children so good with Mathematics? Answer is quite simple, practice, practice & practice. But what is it that those students actually practice?
Lately, Abacus math has taken some of these Asian nations by storm. Abacus is a Latin word that has its origins in the Greek words abax or abakon (meaning "table" or "tablet") which in turn, possibly originated from the Semitic word abq, meaning "sand". The abacus is an instrument, a manual tool invented by the Chinese 2000 years ago. Over the past five years, in nations like Malaysia, Taiwan and India, countless tutoring centers like Sylvan, Huntington and Kumon have sprung up but with one goal in mind, tutor abacus math. Most of these centers offer training using the Japanese "Soroban abacus", which has one upper row of beads and four lower rows. The Soroban abacus is particularly effective for teaching mathematical calculating skills to young children.
Using an abacus, a child can do all arithmetic calculations up to 10 digits and master the skill of doing it mentally, without relying on modern devices such as calculators.
There are procedures and training methodologies to master abacus use. When children use both hands to move the beads for small and large arithmetic calculations, the quick communication between hands and brain not only stimulates brain cells promoting speedier and faster calculation ability but also promotes quick, balanced and whole brain development.
Now that you know what are all the benefits of learning abacus math - let us continue talking about practicing math. Every textbook comes with few practice problems and we always feel that these few problems are not enough. We want more practice problems for our children and students. The next best alternative is to find math practice worksheets. There are many websites that offer you download-able practice worksheets for a small fee. And there are some websites that offer you for free. Some offer you predefined sheets where as very few websites offer you build your own math practice worksheets.
Usage of math practice sheets early on can instill a great habit of enjoying math and at the same time help to solidify mental math skills. And using these sheets to perform abacus math mentally is absolute fun for a child.

Article Source:

Digit Investigation

Digit Investigation
1. Choose two numbers that make 11
2. Select three numbers that make 15
3. Put all of the digits in order
4. What is the biggest three digit number you can make?
5. What is the smallest three digit number you can make?
6. Add two digits to make 8
7. Using each of the digits as many times as you like, how many ways can you make 18?
8. Using each of the digits as many times as you like, how many ways can you make 12?
9. What is the total of all the digits?
10. What is the difference between the smallest and largest digit?

Probability Line

Probability Line

Probability is the chance that something will happen. It can be shown on a line.
probability line
We can say that the probability of an event occurring will be somewhere between impossible and certain.
As well as words we can use fractions or decimals to show the probability of something happening. Impossible is zero and certain is one. A fraction probability line is shown below.
fraction probability line
We can show on our line the chance that something will happen:
a) The sun will rise tomorrow.
b) I will not have to learn maths at school.
c) If I flip a coin it will land heads up.
d) If you have a choice of red, yellow, blue or green you will choose red.
probability of an event

Between 0 and 1

  • The probability of an event will not be less than 0.
    This is because 0 is impossible (sure that something will not happen).
  • The probability of an event will not be more than 1.
    This is because 1 is certain that something will happen.

Band around the Earth - Solution

The Puzzle: The circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,000 kilometres, and someone has just made a metal band that circles the Earth, touching the ground at all locations.

You come along at night, as a practical joke, and add just 10 metres to its length (one hundredth of one kilometer !)

It is now one four-millionth longer, and sits magically just above the ground at all locations

How far has it risen ... could a flea, a rabbit or even a man squeeze underneath it?

Use the formula Circumference = 2 × pi × Radius

Before: Original Circumference = 2 × pi × R
After: Original Circumference + 10 = 2 × pi × (R + Gap)

Subtracting the two:

10 = 2 × pi × Gap

So, the Gap = 10 / (2 × pi) = 1.6m

So a man could fit under it easily (though he might bump his head)